Our Airport Needs Our Support

Petawawa residents rely on the Pembroke and Area Airport for fire prevention, policing, and air evacuation. The Airport is a key economic driver and contributes to Petawawa’s continued growth.

Working to maintain the Airport’s certification is a smart investment.

I support the Town contributing to upgrading the runway and lights.

Project Runway

I support backyard chickens in Petawawa

I signed the petition

Change.org hosts the
“Amend the By Law in Petawawa, ON to allow backyard hens in town”
Petition. Please sign if you support backyard hens in Petawawa!


I attended the presentation

Read the account of the Petawawa Backyard Chickens presentation to Town Council.


I was disappointed by the decision

Town Council voted not to engage in further public consultation or feasibility studies that could justify changing zoning by-laws and animal control by-laws.

Read more

In my view

Minimum setbacks or permit systems can balance property enjoyment with nuisance to allow residents on city services to keep backyard chickens.

In any case, public consultations or a pilot project are required before Council can dismiss requests by residents to increase their food security.

Example Regulations

I want to Continue to Grow Petawawa
Accessibly, Sustainably, Thoughtfully

I support Petawawa’s Community Improvement Plan and the new Official Plan

There are opportunities to improve and revitalize our town. I want a seat on council to help Petawawa grow. I am encouraged by the direction the Town is taking in the Community Improvement Plan, and I want to support putting this plan into action.

We can build the Town we want!


Urban Forest
“The Town encourages the protection of the urban forest for environmental and aesthetic reasons. It is the Town’s objective to preserve and enhance the level and quality of tree cover within developed areas of the Town and to optimize the use of native species in order to develop a healthy urban forest.”

Read more of the Town’s Official Plan:

18.2 (25)

Community Growth = More Opportunities

Town festivals, programs, events, sports facilities, community spaces, employment, business and social supports are a vital part of our community.

I want to help build more!

Do Something Great

I Believe in Pride

I support public proclamations that promote inclusion and celebrate diversity.

I believe that Resolution 11 is due to change to allow the Town to fly the Pride flag in June.

What is Resolution 11?

My Position on Issues of Interest

Why does Petawawa need an Equity and Diversity Committee?

This committee is needed because building a system that works for everyone starts with listening. Our experiences limit our understanding. In January, Ellen Wong-Galland and Rebecca Conroy shared stories from people in Petawawa who had experienced inequality, prejudice or exclusion. I believe that we can only broaden our perspective by admitting what we do not know. We need this committee to learn where the failures in inclusion are. I will look forward to their work.

What is your plan to bring more businesses to Petawawa?

The Town can set the scene for community led businesses to contribute to employment and economic growth by adjusting commercial tax rates, but there are at least 7 key ways that Town Council can encourage business growth.
1- contract with local businesses for goods and services
2- offer more platforms and venues for cottage industries (eg- container market)
3- contribute to the transformation of commercial dead zones by building public amenities
4- improve physical infrastructure
5- support local business incubators
6- tap into funding and grants to kick start transportation and retrofit projects

What is your plan for property taxes?

My plan is to set a tax rate that is reasonable based on current and future needs. I believe in spending responsibly and property taxes should always reflect responsible budget requirements. The goal is to raise rates only where it makes sense to invest in infrastructure or programs that will pay dividends in the future.

What community events would you like to see Petawawa take part in?

The Town is well placed to support many existing community events, and to introduce new ones. Three ideas that I would propose: 1- Pride Month 2- Music Heals Veterans festival in support of veterans in our community and beyond 3- Multiculturalism festival

What businesses would you try to bring in?

The types of businesses that I would work to attract would be across a spectrum of community needs. For example, a larger integrated health centre would attract more care providers to Petawawa. We need better access to the caring professions locally, and facility space is key. Petawawa residents are underserved in other areas such as clothing retailers, day care centres, and indoor accessible recreational space for teens.

What is your opinion on flying the Pride flag in the month of June?

I am pro Pride, and pro Pride flag. Social inclusiveness is good. To my mind, flying a flag declaring support for inclusion is a beautiful symbol of a commitment to honouring the dignity and worth of every person.